based in paris,

but opened to the world

I currently live near Paris and I am looking for a job opportunity nearby but I would be willing to move if the right opportunity comes.

based in paris,

but opened to the world

I currently live near Paris and I am looking for a job opportunity nearby but I would be willing to move if the right opportunity comes.

based in paris, but opened to the world

I currently live near Paris and I am looking for a job opportunity nearby but I would be willing to move if the right opportunity comes.

3 years of experience…


November 2022 - September 2023

Redesign of websites with a new identity

App and website design acceptance for various clients

Creation of checkout interfaces (automatic payment terminals, cash registers)

Carried out user tests and iterations with developers


October 2021 - August 2022

Redesign of websites with a new identity

Active watch of new web trends


Creation of personas, user journey, XP maps...

Creation of prototyped web site mock-ups in accordance with the client's identity

Illustration and banner design


October 2020 - September 2021

UX strategy around weekly e-mails.

Illustration design

Creation of web manager tools.

Exchanges with developers for exports.

Redesign of the app, website and the whole brand identity

Video tutorials making

my education

my education

Master UX/UI Design - ECV Lille (2021-2023)

Master UX/UI Design - ECV Lille

The UX/UI Design Masters is a two-year work-study course specializing in the construction of user interfaces based on the requirements of new technologies and digital behaviors. I was able to work on many different projects in UX and UI Design under the supervision of experts in their field.

Bachelor Webdesign - SUPDEWEB Paris (2018-2021)

Discovery of the different web professions (code, marketing, copywriting, design...) then specialized in web design.

Contact me

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If you don't like forms, you can still contact me here :

© 2023 Noé B - All rights reserved.


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© 2023 Noé B - All rights reserved.


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